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Brain-healthy foods and brain health

Brain-healthy foods and brain health

It requires good eating habits in order to keep our body healthy. Even a small habit makes such a huge difference when it comes to keeping our brain healthy and improving its functions. It is thus very important to keep our diet healthy in order to maintain brain health in accordance with the following standards.

  1. Colored Vegetables

It has been well known for a long time that the best way to ingest all the necessary vitamins, inorganic, and supplemental substances is to eat a variety of colored vegetables. A recent research study attests to the above fact.

The diet profiles of 13,388 nurses for the last 10 years were thoroughly examined. The results suggested that the levels of memory loss and delayed knowledge acquisition were significantly lower in their 60’s for those who have consumed high amounts of broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, and lettuce in comparison to those who have not consumed as much. The more colored vegetables they consumed, the better cognitive functions they had.

Eating as much fruits and vegetables as possible is known to be effective in preventing cancer. The same is applicable when it comes to brain health. Plenty of antioxidants, required vitamins and inorganic substances help reduce body fats and lower calories in our body.

Eleotin® Neuro health helps maximize the health benefits that can be realized by taking vegetables and works in complement. It helps regulate blood sugar levels and facilitates the blood flow to the brain so that your brain can be supplied with plenty of healthy blood full of oxygen, thereby improving neural connections among the brain cells.

  1. Anti-oxidants

When trying to improve brain health through diet programs, you should take particular attention to the functions of anti-oxidants.  Including vitamin C, E, and beta-carotin (a type of vitamin A) sources, antioxidants help prevent the cells from being oxidized (i.e. aging).

Biologically speaking, “aging” in the brain basically means “decrease in cognitive ability”. Experimental studies using antioxidants on animals indicate positive results. For instance, in a Beagle experiment using antioxidant-diet, the results indicated increased levels in cognitive ability of complex forms, and decreased rates in delayed learning.

In addition, older dogs that finished a 3 year period of antioxidant diet successfully passed the tests which once they failed prior to the diet, which proves the possibility of rejuvenating the functions of the brain.

According to the results of the experiments conducted at Tufts University, animals that have been given a large amount of blueberries showed improved short-term memory and balance. Such result is attributable to the high amount of antioxidants that are contained in blueberries


Foods that contain a large amount of antioxidants

(In the increasing order in amount)


Dried plum raisin








Source: USDA



Brussells sprouts

Alfalfa sprouts


Broccoli sprouts


Red bell pepper Onion



  1. Omega-3

Omega-3 is a type of polyunsaturated fatty acids and is contained in high amounts in fish. Scientists have discovered that it not only helps maintain and develop the functions of the brain throughout lifetime, but also prevent aging of the brain cells. Fatty acids are known to be effective in preventing brain cell damage caused by oxidation. It also enhances the functions of the nervous system in various signal pathways.

Foods containing a lot of omega-3 include herring, mackerel, sardines, tuna, anchovies, silver rock cod, trout and etc. Note that there are a lot of omega-3 products being sold in a capsule form. However, we cannot emphasize more how superior it would be in terms of its effectiveness and safety to take it in its natural form just as it is contained in natural foods.

  1. Vitamin B

Vitamin B is effective in lowering the level of homocysteine in our body, which is highly associated with the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease and many types of cardio-vascular diseases. Nowadays, scientific research is focusing on to find out whether or not folic acid can play a role in lowering the rate of brain dysfunctions as well as the onset of Alzheimer’s diseases.

  1. How to take multi vitamins.

Taking multi-vitamins helps only to a certain extent. Taking them at large amounts does not necessarily help our body. Recent studies suggest that taking too much vitamin E is highly associated with increased death rate. It is most desirable to ingest vitamins through fresh fruits and vegetables. Garlic, for instance, is known to contain a high amount vitamin E, but it is not recommended to take it more than 5 a day. Before you decide to take vitamin supplements, you should always consult with your doctor first if any of the vitamin supplements you will take would be in conflict with the medications you are already taking.

The good news is that, since Eleotin® is not a chemical formula, but considered natural food, taking them in large amounts does not cause any harm(s) to your body. None of conflicts with other medications has ever been reported. The result has been, in fact, quite the contrary. Eleotin® was effective in elevating general functions in our metabolic system. Eleotin® Neuro health, in particular, is focused on improving brain health, thus being very helpful to those involved in brain-related activities such as students and office workers and even the elderly who are at risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.